I'm afraid

I'm afraid.
Afraid of what lies ahead us.
Afraid of how long it'll last.
Afraid of what you'll think of me if I took off the mask.
Afraid my scars might scare you off.
Afraid you'll fail to mirror what I feel for you.
Afraid you'll leave me in shambles like those that came before you.
Afraid I'm not good enough .
Afraid of letting you in.
Afraid of being used again.
Afraid of being taken for granted.
Afraid of having my soul tethered to yours.
Afraid of falling for you.
But My fear of dying alone weakens me the most. It controls my emotions and drives me into a ditch where I'm left helpless and vulnerable,where my morals and values are forced to take a back seat while your feelings call shotgun. The never ending rollercoaster has taken its toll on me and has left me emotionless and broken. Deep down all I long for is for you to take away all my fears, to make me feel secure again, for you to truly see me ,for you to teach me how to love you ,but mostly all i want is to fall in love with you and you with me.
But I'm afraid. 


  1. Nice hey,next time dont be afraid be willing to learn,grow,be hurt and love again until you find someone who can do say i do with you infront phambi kawabantu...

    1. πŸ˜…imma try my best ntwana.much love❣

  2. Exactly my feelings Best, I likeπŸ’ž


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