We live in a day and age where people are starting to realize the power they have over their own lives and how they can acquire anything they want through manifestation. Most of us have been led to believe that manifestation is the act of just either writing down or speaking something into existence and although this is absolutely true, there are a few aspects that often get overlooked when practicing manifestation and I'm here to share them with you.

Your energy/vibration

Everything in the entire universe is made up of energy. Energy is constantly in motion, vibrating at a certain frequency. So how this works is things that vibrate on the same frequency, attract. And because we are also made of energy when our vibe(mood) is at a certain frequency, we attract certain things and experiences. Ever noticed how when you're in a bad mood thinking things couldn't possibly get any worse, things tend to do just that.So basically manifestation works just like the law of karma, the same energy you put out into the universe is the same energy you get back. So when you exude positive energy, you become a magnet of abundance and the universe has no choice but to send you gifts that align with your energy. Going out in nature without your phone and consciously grounding yourself and being present, meditating, dancing or listen to high vibrational music are just a few examples of things you can do to raise your vibration. 


The mind is the centre of it all. You can write and speak of your dreams as much as you want but until you genuinely and truly believe you deserve to have them, they'll never fabricate into the physical. Before you start manifesting anything, start by reflecting on your thought patterns, your beliefs and the way you speak to yourself on a daily basis. If your thoughts and the way you perceive life is dominantly negative, then you'll only attract negative experiences into your life. For instance If all you do is complain about everything, then the universe will surely be gracious enough to bring you more things to complain about. Now don't get me wrong changing your mindset is definitely no child's play because most of the negativity we hold within ourselves is deeply rooted in our subconscious minds which means it's years and years of "I'm not good enough for..." or "I don't deserve this because..." that's become an involuntary response to our every day life experiences. Although it's difficult to unlearn these negative thought patterns, it's not impossible. I've attempted to summarize two practices that you can use to reprogram your subconscious:


You can't be asking the universe for a Maserati when you can't even be grateful for the Hyundai you have let allow the mere fact that you even have the ability to drive.Being grateful for everything we have and everything we are yet to receive teaches us to be more appreciative of the lives we live and helps us see life from a more beautiful perspective and life is truly all about perspective, but that's a story for another day. So next time you feel like your life sucks take a moment to look around, I guarantee you'll find something to be grateful for and just maybe life might seem just a tad bit less sucky.

2. Postive affirmations 

I won't lie, talking to yourself in the mirror or repeating the same statement to yourself 100 times does feel a bit tedious at first but the more you speak kindly to yourself, the more you start to believe and embody those qualities. Another way you can enforce positive affirmations in your daily internal dialogue is to be mindful of when you speak unpleasantly to yourself and immediately substitute that " why did I do that? I'm so stupid" with "I'm human. I'm bound to make mistakes. That's just how I learn and grow." 

Unfortunately, unlearning years of self deprecation won't happen overnight. You'll have days where you feel like you've made immense progress and they'll be days where you feel like you're back to square one. It's all a part of the journey. Be patient with yourself, your willingness to even attempt to work on yourself is progress enough.

"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~Napoleon Hill

 I know this was probably all over the place but I'm sure you get the gist. Might come back with a part 2 (emphasis on might).

Thank you so much for reading. Don't forget to just...Be! 🧚🏽‍♀️


  1. This is quite a good read. I enjoyed every second reading this piece.

    I love your work sis ❤️

  2. This is good Londz, enjoyed reading it ❤️

  3. I’m new here, but i think i have found a home to feed the brain.


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