You In Your Truest Form

I'm sure we've all heard the saying "we are spiritual beings having a human experience" ,so today I'll be attempting to further explain this statement.

I'll start by breaking down every part of us that makes us who we are.
1. The body
Our bodies are the precious vessels that make this whole physical experience possible. Our bodies carry a lot more than just our organs, they carry our souls. Although our bodies do so much for us, we shouldn't focus all our energy into making our bodies perfect while we neglect the most important part of ourselves, our soul. At the end of the day you're going to leave this body here anyways .

2. The unconscious mind
Our unconscious minds serve the purpose of recieving information. Our unconscious minds are that part of us that is gullible and naive which means that if receives each and every information that is presented to it through all our senses without filter.

3. The ego/subconscious
So now that we know what our unconscious minds do, we can move on to the function of our subconscious. Our subconscious is that part of us that takes the information from our unconscious mind and filters out anything that doesn't seem important and decides on what you need to know and stores it in your memory and it makes this decision according to your beliefs and moral values. In spiritual terms we also call our subconscious our ego which in spiritual terms is described as a defense mechanism that we built with our imagination when we came here as a form of survival. Our ego consists of fear, doubt, greed,anxiety, anger,ignorance,stress, the need to be socially accepted, the need to always be better than everyone else, and so on . Most of these traits are a result of what we consume on a daily basis such as what we watch, what we are taught, what we grew up being exposed to and so on. Most of us spend a majority of our lives living in our egotistic form which leads to us living in a "life is so hard" mentally. We spend most of our days fussing and stressing over external situations and issues we have absolutely no control over. Living an egotistical lifestyle is very emotionally and spiritually draining. Although our ego sounds like a "bad" thing, we still need our ego to survive in this physical world so the key is finding a balance and coexist with the ego.

4. The higher self/soul/consciousness
Remember that time you wanted to go to that party but something inside you told you not to and so you didn't and someone ended up getting stabbed at that very same party. That little voice that stopped you from going, that's you in your truest form, that's your higher self, your intuition. Your higher self is the purest form of love and happiness that incarnated into the body you live in today. Your higher self is thee epitome of intelligence. Your higher self knows everything you'll ever need to know. Your higher self holds all the cheat codes to living your best life. Although our higher self lives within us, it is quite difficult to live in the form of our higher self because our egos do anything and everything to survive with the aid of the outside world (stress factors).

I know this was probably a lot of information and probably made little to no sense๐Ÿ˜… so here is an analogy I created to help you understand it better:
Let's say you want to build a house. Your soul would be the person who wishes to build the house, your subconscious would be the house itself and your unconscious mind will be all the material available at a hardware store.
So you (consciousness)decide to go to the hardware store (you incarnate into this life) to buy material (gain information) . When you get to the store you are clueless on what to buy so you get a sales consultant (parents, family, school, religion, society, friends, television, social media etc.) So the sales consultant shows you around and tells you what THEY think is the best material that you need to buy and even goes as far as telling how you should build your house. So now your house is built according to what the sales consultant said was best and would suit you (so your subconscious only takes in information that everyone around you says is important and is right and decides that any other information is invalid and blocks it out). As time goes by you get to see other houses and you learn more about housing and one day you realise that the house you're living in is actually too small for you and you don't like it (you have a spiritual awakening) so now you realise that you have to rebuild your house, and obviously it's quite difficult and even scarey to break down your old house and build this new one but in the end it's all worth it since you get to live in a house that YOU like and enjoy living in.

Long story short, go out there and find yourself and what you like.

Thank you for reading .Don't forget to just ...Be!!


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